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Change to child custody law- equal parenting

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Campaigners are asking the government to change child custody law so that, in every case where a mother and father separate or divorce, there is a legal presumption that the mother and father will share the parenting of their children.

The top London child custody solicitors find that many fathers automatically assume that they will get a “raw deal” when it comes to getting joint custody for their children after a separation or divorce. London child law solicitors speak to many dads who feel that they are treated as second-class citizens or parents when it comes to getting a family court to order joint custody.
The frustrations felt by many fathers over child custody law mean that they are often reluctant to get legal advice for child custody, questioning what the point is when they think that the family court is biased towards mothers.
Fathers will be delighted to hear about the campaign for a shared parenting presumption in children law. Campaigners call for the start point when sorting out custody of children after a separation or divorce to be a presumption in law that children should spend roughly an equal amount of time with their mother and father.

How can OTS Solicitors help?

Do you need legal advice on child custody? For friendly approachable advice on joint custody and child maintenance call the child law solicitors on 0203 959 9123 to speak to experienced London child custody solicitors.

Joint custody – the call for reform of child custody law

For dads who often feel in the minority when it comes to getting joint custody after separation or divorce, it will be good news to learn that a recent YouGov survey is in favour of shared parenting. Eight out of ten of the two thousand people who took part in the survey agreed that there should be a presumption of shared parenting after a separation or divorce, excluding family situations where there is a proven risk to the child of joint custody.
The Conservative MP Suella Braverman has again called for a rebuttable presumption of shared parenting in child law. She eloquently said what most father’s think:
'Every child has a right to a meaningful relationship with both parents but at present the law does not make this clear. In the worst cases, "parental involvement" from divorce settlements can amount to little more than a birthday card, effectively airbrushing a non-resident parent from a child's life.'
Strong words from a member of parliament and a welcome campaign but what can fathers do in the meantime whilst waiting for UK child custody law to catch up with the realities of parenting in the twenty first century.

Legal advice for child custody

Top child custody solicitors say it is vital that fathers who want to share the parenting of their child (whether they want an equal split of childcare or say a forty/sixty split of the week) get early legal advice on child custody. That is because the time before you make the decision to separate or divorce, or what happens in the early days after a separation or divorce, can make all the difference to what child custody arrangements are agreed or the court is prepared to order.
The best London child solicitors say that if a father wants to share joint custody and have equal parenting with a child’s mother the father is more likely to achieve that if:

• There is still a line of civil communication between parents so you can still talk about practical things relating to the children, such as bedtimes, rules on completion of homework, social media house rules etc. without falling out and bad mouthing one another;

• There is compromise between parents so you can agree on consistent parenting routines in both households. Your approach to parenting does not have to be exactly the same but it helps the child if they are not moving between two different parenting regimes;

• You both live close enough to make shared parenting work as the logistics of getting a child across London to school or to their Saturday football club or ballet lesson may mean that equal parenting just is not feasible because of the commute time and impact on the child.

If you want joint custody of your child and want to be an “equal parent” then it is important to get legal advice from a top London child solicitor on how to best present your case for equal parenting.
The best London child solicitors believe that when it comes to asking the family court to make a child arrangements order that provides for equal parenting then the presentation and preparation of a father’s case is the key to getting a child arrangements order that meets father and child’s needs. In time, the job of a London child solicitor may become easier with child custody law reform, but in the meantime, parents need a child custody solicitor who will listen to what they want and advise on the best way of achieving joint custody and shared parenting.

How can OTS Solicitors help?

OTS Solicitors advise on all aspects of child law and child maintenance law. The child law team has substantial experience of resolving disputes over custody, access, contact and shared parenting arrangements and negotiating child maintenance.
Offering pragmatic advice, negotiation and representation in court proceedings for child arrangements orders, the friendly and approachable child law team at OTS Solicitors will work with you to help resolve custody, access and parenting arrangements.
Please get in touch with us on 0203 959 9123 to arrange an appointment to speak to one of our experienced London child law solicitors.

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