The Importance of Making a Will

The current unprecedented global pandemic COVID-19 demonstrates why it is important for everyone over the age of 18 with sound mind and of mental capacity to have a Will. Making a Will ensures that your estate, which can consist of financial and personal affairs are dealt with in accordance with your wishes. It provides you with peace of mind knowing that your family, friends, charities and those intended, receive what you want to leave them after your death. Death is an inevitable fact of life and for this reason, top London solicitors will always advise clients to have a Will drafted sooner when you can think clearly about your future and intentions.
Written by Jayana Rathod, Solicitor at OTS Solicitors
How to create a legally binding Will
Pertinently, a Will is a legal document and you need to ensure that it is properly drafted and executed. It is sensible to get legal advice to make sure that your Will is clear, so that your wishes are met as fully as possible and your Will caters for your bespoke circumstances. Even if you feel that you have made your wishes clear to those around you, unless it is set out in a Will it is not legally binding and you cannot assume that your wishes will be carried out.
Best London solicitors say that your Will should include instructions on how you would like your estate to be distributed, this means which assets you would like to be passed to whom. It should also include other relevant provisions applicable to you, such as your assets, your dependants, any debts you may have or are owed to you, welfare arrangements for your children and who will be responsible for taking care of them should both parents die before they reach the age of 18, your funeral wishes and other personal requests. When considering financial provisions for your children, you can also leave your estate into a trust until the children reach a certain age. You may also hold items of sentimental value and would like them to be given to someone in particular. You will need to choose a person or more than one individual to carry out your instructions, who will be called executor(s). It is their duty to make sure that your wishes are fulfilled, thus, this should be a trusted person.
Drafting a Legally Binding Will
A Will allows you to provide for your loved ones and can avoid unnecessary costs and expenses, inconvenience, delays, family arguments, disappointments and a great deal of stress, during a time which is often already emotionally challenging. Will drafting OTS Solicitors are experienced with drafting and advising on will and estate.
Best Will drafting solicitors say that If you do not have a Will and you decease, your estate will be distributed by the laws of intestacy, which were created in 1925 and over 95 years ago. The modern lifestyle, personal and family situation may no longer be relatable to the provisions, and the authorities will be left in charge of managing your affairs, which you will have no control over. If you are cohabiting, then your estate will not go to your partner under intestacy rules. Significantly, if you are unmarried with no close relatives, the law stipulates that your estate will pass to the Crown. In order to avoid this, it is important that you have your Will drafted as soon as possible.
Specialist Will drafting solicitors
Specialist Will drafting solicitors advise that if your circumstances change, you get married, have children, get divorced or your financial position alters, you should review your Will to ensure that it provides for your current situation.
You may also wish to read our other articles regarding Powers of Attorney, for situations where you can instruct someone else to make decisions on your behalf because for some reason you cannot be present, you no longer wish to do so, or, you believe that you may be unable to manage your own affairs in the future because you do not have the mental capacity. On the other hand, you may wish to apply to the Court of Protection to help with one-off or long-term decisions, where a person does not have mental capacity.
It is important that you take the right steps at the right time to achieve the desired outcome. We are currently providing FREE initial consultations for Wills. Specialist Will solicitors can help you to plan for your future with a sensitive, empathetic and practical approach, contact us for further information and we would be happy to assist you.
Due to the current situation and government’s guidance on social distancing, we are happy to communicate via electronic means which is convenient for you. We will prepare the Will in accordance with your instructions and advise you on the process of executing the final Will, to ensure that it is valid and legal. Once the situation has resolved we may ask to see you in person, however, this will be discussed with you directly and will be decided on a case by case basis.
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- We have assembled a team of exceptionally talented solicitors, barristers and judges including retired Immigration Judge and President of the European Lawyers Group Mr Paul Gulbenkian.
Should you decide to arrange an appointment, feel free to contact us by email on, call our switchboard on 02039 599123 or send an email enquiry by visiting our website and clicking the contact form.
OTS Solicitors provide legal services in respect of Wills, Family Law, Immigration, Employment Law and Litigation. We also deal with Affidavits, Statutory Declarations and Legal Attestations.
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