Dear Ots, My Wife And I Are From Belize We Have Son Who Was Born In England During The Time That I banner

Dear Ots, My Wife And I Are From Belize We Have Son Who Was Born In England During The Time That I

Dear Ots, My Wife And I Are From Belize We Have Son Who Was Born In England During The Time That I

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Dear OTS, My wife and I are from Belize. We have a son who was born in England during the time that I was at university in the UK in the 1990s. We are back in Belize, but what are the chances of our son getting UK citizenship?

Dear OTS, My wife and I are from Belize. We have a son who was born in England during the time that I was at university in the UK in the 1990s. We are back in Belize, but what are the chances of our son getting UK citizenship?

Public Answer

Thank you for your question.
Your son may be eligible for British Citizenship if he was born in the UK after 1 January 1983 and 1 of his parents was a British citizen or settled here at that time. Alternatively, he may meet the criteria if neither of his parents were British citizens or had Indefinite Leave to Remain but he lived in the UK until he was 10 years or older and spent no more than 90 days outside the UK for each of the first 10 years of his life.
Someone from our office will be in touch with you shortly to discuss these and other possible options.
Please note, this answer cannot be taken as a legal advice until we have your full instructions. The answer provided above is for information purposes only, if you would like to proceed to full legal advice and consultation with our Immigration solicitors, please let us know your availability for an appointment by contact us on 0207 936 9960 or through our contact form.
I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Best regards,
OTS Solicitors

[This question has been successfully answered by our lawyers in a private e-mail]

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