Hi, Thank You In Advance For Your Kind Replyi Am Currently 21 Years Old And Lived In The Uk Since 8
Hi, thank you in advance for your kind reply. I am currently 21 years old and lived in the uk since 8 years old without any visa. Am I eligible for the 20 years long residence route for Indefinite Leave to Remain?
Hi, thank you in advance for your kind reply. I am currently 21 years old and lived in the uk since 8 years old without any visa. Am I eligible for the 20 years long residence route for Indefinite Leave to Remain?
Public Answer
Thank you for your question.
People living in the UK for twenty years or more (either lawfully or unlawfully), may be able to apply for leave to remain on the grounds of private life. After a further ten years residency, it may then be possible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain.
The most important distinction between the 20 year route and the 10 year route is that you can apply for leave to remain after 20 years even if you have been in the UK illegally.
We would like to talk to you to find out more about your circumstances, as because you have been here from when you were a child there may be more expeditious options available to you.
Please note, this answer cannot be taken as a legal advice until we have your full instructions. The answer provided above is for information purposes only, if you would like to proceed to full legal advice and consultation with our Immigration solicitors, please let us know your availability for an appointment by contact us on 0207 936 9960 or through our contact form.
I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Best regards,
OTS Solicitors
[This question has been successfully answered by our lawyers in a private e-mail]