Myself And My Ex Partner Have Recently Split And Are Currently Living Together With Our 7 Year Old banner

Myself And My Ex Partner Have Recently Split And Are Currently Living Together With Our 7 Year Old

Myself And My Ex Partner Have Recently Split And Are Currently Living Together With Our 7 Year Old

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Myself and my ex partner have recently split up and are currently living together with our 7 year old boy. The issue we have currently is she doesn't work and wants to take "custody" of our son but doesn't want to move out of the area as we are trying to not disturb our sons life in any way. The government will have to help her with either income support or council housing but there is no guarantee that this will keep our son in the area we live in. I have worked out that as I am in full time work and I can afford to take our son on as a full time dad and that this could be an option. This would mean that my ex would have to move back in with her parents who are 90 miles away, but her family are trying to stop me from living with my son. What are my rights as a father?

Myself and my ex partner have recently split up and are currently living together with our 7 year old boy. The issue we have currently is she doesn't work and wants to take "custody" of our son but doesn't want to move out of the area as we are trying to not disturb our sons life in any way. The government will have to help her with either income support or council housing but there is no guarantee that this will keep our son in the area we live in. I have worked out that as I am in full time work and I can afford to take our son on as a full time dad and that this could be an option. This would mean that my ex would have to move back in with her parents who are 90 miles away, but her family are trying to stop me from living with my son. What are my rights as a father?

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