Supreme Court Brexit Ruling – Brexit Bill Will Be Published Within Days banner


Supreme Court Brexit Ruling – Brexit Bill Will Be Published Within Days

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This morning, a full court of 11 Supreme Court judges dismissed the Governments appeal in the now world-famous Brexit case.

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By a majority of 8-3, the learned judges ruled that the Secretary of State could not trigger Article 50, thereby beginning the process of Britain leaving the EU, without an Act of Parliament.

In an extraordinary win for democracy and the rule of law, the British judiciary has made it clear that Royal Prerogative powers cannot be used to take an action which has such far-reaching consequences on British residents.

Bill to be tabled quickly

David Davis, Secretary of State for Exiting the EU has said the Government will publish a "straightforward" Brexit Bill within days.

He was also quick to point out that the "point of no return" for Brexit had passed.

The Guardian reported that Mr Davis has said, "This will be the most straightforward Bill possible to give effect to the decision of the people and respect the Supreme Court's judgment".

SNP's Brexit spokesperson, Stephen Gethins, questioned why the Government, "feared Parliamentary scrutiny". Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will be disappointed that the Supreme Court dismissed the argument that the dissolved legislature may need to be consulted and agree before Article 50 can be triggered.

Now the case is over, we must wait and see whether the Bill put before Parliament will be challenged. It is likely that the Bill will be rushed through the House of Commons and House of Lords. Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn has asked his MPs not to obstruct the Bill. Former Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg has said he will vote against the Bill along with a number of SNP members.

For EU nationals living in Britain, it is imperative that they take action to obtain a permanent residence Card and /or British Citizenship to solidify their rights in the UK.

OTS Solicitors is regarded as one of the best Immigration law firms in the UK. If you need advice on any Immigration law matters, please phone our office on 0203 959 9123 to talk to one of our dedicated Immigration lawyers.


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