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Dear Ots Solicitors, I Am Filipina Married To British Citizen Last March 2014 And Moving Here In Uk

Dear Ots Solicitors, I Am Filipina Married To British Citizen Last March 2014 And Moving Here In Uk

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Dear OTS Solicitors, I am Filipina married to a British citizen last March 2014 and moving here in UK to be together last February 2015. My spouse visa will expire in September 2017. Do I need to renew my visa as a spouse? Or I am entitled to apply a Permanent Resident card? Confusing the new law.Many thanks in advance.

Dear OTS Solicitors, I am Filipina married to a British citizen last March 2014 and moving here in UK to be together last February 2015. My spouse visa will expire in September 2017. Do I need to renew my visa as a spouse? Or I am entitled to apply a Permanent Resident card? Confusing the new law.Many thanks in advance.

Public Answer

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your email to OTS Solicitors.

My name is Elizabeth Ramos de Freitas and I tried calling you earlier today. After reading your query, I am confident that we can advise you regarding your case.

Although this cannot be taken as a legal advice until we have your full instructions, in order to apply for the EEA permanent residence card, you would need to be living in the UK for 5 years as an EEA National or a family member. I doesn’t seem that you or your wife are EEA Nationals.

Spouse Visas are also something that our firm routinely deals with and I would suggest that we arrange a consultation to discuss your case further.

Without taking your full instruction we are unable to advise you. May I kindly ask that you confirm your availability for an appointment with us this week/next week?

If you would like to proceed in this way, please let us know your availability. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards,
Elizabeth Ramos de Freitas
Legal Administrator
OTS Solicitors

[This question has been successfully answered by our lawyers in a private e-mail]

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