Hi Friend Mine Applied For Visit Visa Uk And It Got Refused We Then Sent Administrative Review And banner

Hi Friend Mine Applied For Visit Visa Uk And It Got Refused We Then Sent Administrative Review And

Hi Friend Mine Applied For Visit Visa Uk And It Got Refused We Then Sent Administrative Review And

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Hi A friend of mine applied for a visit visa to the Uk and it got refused we then sent a administrative review and they said they would get back to us and they haven't. Contact the tribunal service but they said they had nothing to do with the home office and that an appeal wasn't lodged. What can we do about this matter? He's Syrian living in Istanbul, he used to live and work in the UK from 1997-2009 but had to leave for Syria before the indefinite leave to remain due to his father being ill and dying. Also what would you charge if it could be dealt with? Or is there a way to come to the UK on a asylum case?

Hi A friend of mine applied for a visit visa to the Uk and it got refused we then sent a administrative review and they said they would get back to us and they haven't. Contact the tribunal service but they said they had nothing to do with the home office and that an appeal wasn't lodged. What can we do about this matter? He's Syrian living in Istanbul, he used to live and work in the UK from 1997-2009 but had to leave for Syria before the indefinite leave to remain due to his father being ill and dying. Also what would you charge if it could be dealt with? Or is there a way to come to the UK on a asylum case?

[This question has been successfully answered by our lawyers in a private e-mail]

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