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I Am British Woman Age 28 With Yearly Income Of £28000 And 7 Months Pregnant Now With My First Child

I Am British Woman Age 28 With Yearly Income Of £28000 And 7 Months Pregnant Now With My First Child

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I am British woman age 28 with a yearly income of £28000 and 7 months pregnant now with my first child, currently my boyfriend’s UK student visa from Nigerian has expired since last year and we didn’t have the money to process his paperwork due to me suffering with depression - Do we have any chance of the application being rejected or does he stand a better chance with me being pregnant? I would really like an anaswer back asap and also how soon we can start his application now with your teams help.

I am British woman age 28 with a yearly income of £28000 and 7 months pregnant now with my first child, currently my boyfriend’s UK student visa from Nigerian has expired since last year and we didn’t have the money to process his paperwork due to me suffering with depression - Do we have any chance of the application being rejected or does he stand a better chance with me being pregnant? I would really like an anaswer back asap and also how soon we can start his application now with your teams help.

Public Answer

Thank you for your question.

To assist you we would need to know what type of visa your boyfriend is planning to apply for. If you are thinking of applying for a visa for an unmarried partner, there are certain financial thresholds you normally need to meet including:
-An income of £18,600 (from the sponsoring partner). This increases if you have children.
-evidence that you have lived together in a relationship akin to marriage for the past two year.
-you have suitable accommodation for you both to live in

There are other criteria which need to be met. Someone will be in touch today to discuss how we may be able to help you should you choose to instruct us.

Please note, this answer cannot be taken as a legal advice until we have your full instructions. The answer provided above is for information purposes only, if you would like to proceed to full legal advice and consultation with our Immigration solicitors, please let us know your availability for an appointment by contact us on 0207 936 9960 or through our contact form.
I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Best regards,
OTS Solicitors

[This question has been successfully answered by our lawyers in a private e-mail]

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