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I Am Doctor Presenlly In Dubai With 2nd Wife And Children And Ihv Indian Passport And 1st Wife Did

I Am Doctor Presenlly In Dubai With 2nd Wife And Children And Ihv Indian Passport And 1st Wife Did

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i am doctor presenlly in dubai with 2nd wife and children and ihv indian passport and 1st wife did case against me and inititated through interpol and needs my extradition to india as she is politically connedcted but i hv life threat to my kids and 2nd wife as she is muslim and i am hindu in indiafinally i need asylum in uk what r the possibility.

i am doctor presenlly in dubai with 2nd wife and children and ihv indian passport and 1st wife did case against me and inititated through interpol and needs my extradition to india as she is politically connedcted but i hv life threat to my kids and 2nd wife as she is muslim and i am hindu in indiafinally i need asylum in uk what r the possibility.

Public Answer

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your email to OTS Solicitors.

After reading your query, I am confident that we can advise you regarding your case.

This is something that we routinely deal with. I would suggest that we arrange a consultation to discuss your case further. Our solicitors have particular expertise in Middle East, Asia and African Asylum and Human Rights cases and we have access to specific country information.

May I kindly ask that you confirm your availability for an appointment with us this week/next week?

It will be necessary for our OTS Immigration Solicitor to carry out a detailed assessment of your personal circumstances to identify on which basis of the Refugee Convention relating to Refugees, and Human Rights Act you may be entitled to settle in the UK, such as Article 8 Family and Private Life.

Following our meeting, if you would like us to represent you, we will deduct the consultation fee at the end of your case.

If you would like to proceed in this way, may I suggest that you confirm your availability for a meeting this week/next week?

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards,

OTS Solicitors

[This question has been successfully answered by our lawyers in a private e-mail]

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