I Am Gambian Birth But Naturalised I Am Now Dutch National N Living In The Uk My Three Children Are banner

I Am Gambian Birth But Naturalised I Am Now Dutch National N Living In The Uk My Three Children Are

I Am Gambian Birth But Naturalised I Am Now Dutch National N Living In The Uk My Three Children Are

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I am Gambian by birth but naturalised I am now a Dutch national n living in the UK my three children are Gambia living in Gambia I hv recently been refused an entry visa for my children to come to the UK on the grounds that I don't have contact with the children which is not true n I want to appeal the decision I send financial support every month n make phone calls regularly n visit the family every year please advise me what to do next.

I am Gambian by birth but naturalised I am now a Dutch national n living in the UK my three children are Gambia living in Gambia I hv recently been refused an entry visa for my children to come to the UK on the grounds that I don't have contact with the children which is not true n I want to appeal the decision I send financial support every month n make phone calls regularly n visit the family every year please advise me what to do next.

Public Answer

This Immigration question has been responded to privately by one of our Immigration solicitors. If you have a similar query, please do not hesitate contact our UK Immigration team.

[This question has been successfully answered by our lawyers in a private e-mail]

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