My Boss Aplied For Sponsorship Licence In September 2015 The Same Time With Same File He Aplied My banner

My Boss Aplied For Sponsorship Licence In September 2015 The Same Time With Same File He Aplied My

My Boss Aplied For Sponsorship Licence In September 2015 The Same Time With Same File He Aplied My

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My boss aplied for sponsorship licence in September 2015 on the same time with same file he aplied my file for work permit that he want me as an employee bcw my visa was expire in September. Immigration send our paper by post (normal post) in nov 2015 but we hasn't found it in our unit bcz all paper messed up. Now we contact with them n found the letter of 25 nov 2015 in sept 2016 in which they refused our application. Now what can we do? Bcz my visa already expire so long.

My boss aplied for sponsorship licence in September 2015 on the same time with same file he aplied my file for work permit that he want me as an employee bcw my visa was expire in September. Immigration send our paper by post (normal post) in nov 2015 but we hasn't found it in our unit bcz all paper messed up. Now we contact with them n found the letter of 25 nov 2015 in sept 2016 in which they refused our application. Now what can we do? Bcz my visa already expire so long.

Public Answer

Thank you for your question. If your visa has expired you are technically an overstayer and breaking the law of the UK which may affect your ability to successfully apply for further leave to remain in the country. It is imperative that you seek legal advice as soon as possible to strategies a solution as to how to make your residence in the UK legal.

With regards to your employers Sponsor Licence application, we would need to understand the grounds for refusal. We may be able to appeal the decision and/or resubmit the application.

Please get in touch with us as soon as possible so we can assist you.

Please note, this answer cannot be taken as a legal advice until we have your full instructions. The answer provided above is for information purposes only, if you would like to proceed to full legal advice and consultation with our Immigration solicitors, please let us know your availability for an appointment by contact us on 0207 936 9960 or through our contact form.

I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards,

OTS Solicitors

[This question has been successfully answered by our lawyers in a private e-mail]


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