My Husband Was Tier 2 Visa That Expired The 2nd October 2015, We Put In Application For Extension banner

My Husband Was Tier 2 Visa That Expired The 2nd October 2015, We Put In Application For Extension

My Husband Was Tier 2 Visa That Expired The 2nd October 2015, We Put In Application For Extension

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my husband was on a tier 2 visa that expired on the 2nd October 2015, we put in an application for extension on 30th September 2015 using the same lawyer that started the tier 2 visa 3 years ago (3 months short) but was refused reason been test of labour market wasn't carried out. during the 1st application the SOC filled in on the portal was for Senior Network Technician but the lawyer advised it will not be granted as that job title was not valid for a tier 2 visa, As the job title couldn't be changed on home office portal, the lawyer advised the company write a cover letter stating the job title was now a Quality assurance manager and the job title filled on the portal was an error. Unfortunately, the lawyer didn't check the letter that the home office sent with the resident permit as

my husband was on a tier 2 visa that expired on the 2nd October 2015, we put in an application for extension on 30th September 2015 using the same lawyer that started the tier 2 visa 3 years ago (3 months short) but was refused reason been test of labour market wasn't carried out. during the 1st application the SOC filled in on the portal was for Senior Network Technician but the lawyer advised it will not be granted as that job title was not valid for a tier 2 visa, As the job title couldn't be changed on home office portal, the lawyer advised the company write a cover letter stating the job title was now a Quality assurance manager and the job title filled on the portal was an error. Unfortunately, the lawyer didn't check the letter that the home office sent with the resident permit as

Public Answer

This Immigration question has been responded to privately by one of our Immigration solicitors. If you have a similar question, please do not hesitate contact our UK Immigration team.

[This question has been successfully answered by our lawyers in a private e-mail]

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