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International Adoption Solicitors in London

Our international adoption solicitors in London have substantial experience in helping prospective adoptive parents navigate the often-complex family and immigration laws around adopting a child from overseas in inter-country adoption.

At OTS Solicitors our specialist immigration solicitors work with our adoption lawyers to provide the legal and practical advice you need through every stage of the international adoption process.

Get in touch with us today to see how our international adoption solicitors can help you.

If you need adoption advice, we can talk with you at our London offices, over the phone or online via Web Conferencing such as Zoom or Skype. For expert legal advice, contact our international adoption solicitors in London.

Does the UK allow international adoption?

The UK allows overseas adoption but prospective adoptive parents must follow the UK family and adoption rules and processes. Adopters must also follow the exit rules of the country they are adopting from and comply with the UK immigration rules on securing entry clearance for their adopted child.

Can I adopt from any country?

You can adopt from many overseas countries under international adoption law but the countries are divided into three groups for inter-country adoption:

  • Hague Convention countries
  • Designated list countries
  • Countries that fit into neither category

Your choice of country to adopt a child from will affect the family court process and UK entry clearance.

Hague Convention countries

The UK is a signatory to the 1993 Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (the Hague Convention). If you wish to adopt a child from another country that has signed up to the Hague Convention, you must follow the convention process.

In the UK, the Department of Education oversees Hague Convention adoptions. All prospective adoptees must be approved under the process laid out in Article 17 for adoption from abroad. This means being approved by the relevant local body and an Article 17 certificate issued. The certificate concludes the assessment and approval process and states that neither central authority objects to the adoption proceeding.

A Hague Convention adoption is recognised under UK law, and the adoptive parent/s will not need to re-adopt the child once the child enters Britain. In addition, if one of the parents is a British Citizen, the child will automatically be granted British citizenship.

Designated List countries

The Designated List refers to the countries named in the Adoption (Designation of Overseas Adoptions) Order 1973. The UK automatically recognises an adoption order made in a country on the Designated List. However, unlike an adoption from a Hague Convention country, you must apply for British Citizenship for the adopted child after you secure your adoption order.

The decision to grant British Citizenship is at the discretion of the Home Office. Our experienced immigration solicitors can work with your adoption solicitor to help you secure British nationality for your adopted child.

Adopting from other countries

If you adopt from a country that is not a signatory to the Hague Convention or on the Designated List, the adoption will not be recognised under UK law. This means you must apply to a UK court for an adoption order. The adoption process is governed by section 83 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002. The adoption process involves:

  • Participation in a full assessment by a registered adoption agency
  • Being notified that the Secretary of State has issued a certificate to the relevant authority in the child’s overseas country
  • Providing the adoption agency with all the information regarding the child you plan to adopt
  • Visiting the child’s country
  • Notifying the adoption agency of the date the child will enter the UK
  • Applying to the family court for an adoption order within two weeks of the child entering the UK

International Adoption Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be in a relationship to adopt a child from overseas?

You do not have to be in a relationship to adopt a child. However, you must be over 21 years of age.

What are the residency criteria if I wish to adopt a child from overseas?

You do not need to be a British Citizen to adopt a child from abroad but you do need to have either indefinite leave to remain status or permanent residence. You must also be habitually resident in the UK. Our immigration solicitors can advise you whether you meet the residency criteria.

What is the application process for inter-country adoption?

There is a strict application process for adopting children from overseas. Failure to abide by the process could see you commit a criminal offence. Our adoption lawyers understand this process and can advise and represent you through every stage.

The first step is to contact an adoption agency specialising in overseas adoptions. Our adoption solicitors will work with you and the agency you choose to ensure your overseas adoption progresses smoothly. The adoption approval process can take around four to six months, sometimes longer. It will include attending training courses, interviews and involve one or more home visits with a social worker. Once you are approved by the adoption agency, you are put on a waiting list to be matched with a child in the overseas country of your choice.

Can I adopt a new-born baby in the UK?

You can adopt a new-born baby in the UK but very few UK babies are available for adoption each year. That’s why prospective adoptive parents looking to adopt a new-born are attracted to international adoption.

How long does it take to adopt a child from overseas?

It is difficult to say how long the adoption process will take when you are adopting from overseas as so much depends on the country you are adopting from. Our international adoption solicitors always recommend that you take preliminary legal advice to give you an idea about likely timescales for the adoption order and to secure UK entry clearance.

How much does it cost to adopt a child from abroad to the UK?

The cost of adopting a child from abroad depends on the country you choose to adopt from and the time needed to secure UK entry clearance for your child. The cost and timescale can vary significantly. It is best to speak to adoption lawyers before you commit to expanding your family through international adoption. Our family lawyers can help you fully understand the costs and timescales in adopting from your chosen country.

Let us advise you through the adopt abroad inter-country adoption process

Our adoption solicitors and immigration lawyers have the experience you can rely on to help you navigate the complicated process of adopting a child from overseas. We are a friendly, sensitive, compassionate team, dedicated to helping parents make their dreams of adopting from overseas materialise.

Many parents have placed their trust in our international adoption lawyers to assist them with adopting a child from overseas. We take our responsibilities to them and the child extremely seriously. By approaching each adoption application in a bespoke manner, we ensure every family who comes to us feels fully supported throughout the international adoption process.

Contact us today to see how our international adoption solicitors can help you.

For advice on adopting a child from abroad, we can talk with you at our London offices, over the phone or online via Web Conferencing such as Zoom or Skype. For expert legal advice, contact our international adoption solicitors in London.

Your Questions and our answers about International Adoption

Dear Sir,

Many thanks for your question.

Please contact our office on 02039599123 for further information.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Many thanks for your adoption enquiry.

From the information provided I understand that you would like to adopt a child from Ukraine. This is possible, it would be an international adoption, so it will need to be done in accordance with the Hague Convention. There is a very specific process for international adoptions in the UK and the international adoption team would need to be contacted.

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